What's Wrong With This Photo? 10/12/18
Look at the photo below. What you are looking at are two parking spaces for disabled individuals in front of a quick service restaurant. This is not a common installation because the two spaces face each other and share a aisle between the two spaces. When considering Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) laws, what’s wrong? (HINT: A lot!")
First, where are the lines marking the edges of the spaces? 2010 Standard 502.2, Vehicle Spaces, states, “Car parking spaces shall be 96 inches (2440 mm) wide minimum and van parking spaces shall be 132 inches (3350 mm) wide minimum, shall be marked to define the width, and shall have an adjacent access aisle complying with [Standard] 502.3.”
Second, where are the vertical signs marking the spaces and where is the sign indicating at least one space is van accessible? 2010 Standard 502.6 [Parking Space] Identification, states, “Parking space identification signs shall include the International Symbol of Accessibility complying with {Standard] 703.7.2.1. Signs identifying van parking spaces shall contain the designation “van accessible.” Signs shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum above the finish floor or ground surface measured to the bottom of the sign.” See the image below for a representation of these signs.
Van Accessible Parking Sign
Now we do have an accessible aisle, but the vehicle parked there has encroached on the aisle. See the photo below.
Vehicle encroaching on the accessible aisle.