TN Single Family Housing Repair Loans & Grants for Age 62 and Older
Don Harris, TN Housing Program Director, recently announced the Single Family Housing Repair Loans & Grant, for 2021, also known as the Section 504 Home Repair Federal Grant Program, that provides loans to very-low-income homeowners to repair, improve, or modernize their homes or, provides grants to elderly very-low-income homeowners to remove health and safety hazards.
Harris said, “We are pleased to advise that the Tennessee USDA Rural Development Home Repair program has recently received our full allocation of home repair funds for 2021. This program is a valuable resource to many rural homeowners. With our 2021 funding, we have sufficient funding available for grant funds for income eligible homeowners who are age 62 and older residing in rural areas.”
“Our goal in Tennessee is to help as many people as possible residing in our rural areas to have safe and decent homes. There is a great need for our rural homeowners to have access to these grant funds.”
To qualify for this program, you must:
- Be the homeowner and occupy the house
- Be unable to obtain affordable credit elsewhere
- Have a family income below 50 percent of the area
median income
- For grants, be age 62 or older and not be able to repay a repair loan
Loans may be used to repair, improve, or modernize homes or to remove health and safety hazards. Grants must be used to remove health and safety hazards.
The maximum amount of a loan is $20,000. The maximum grant is $7,500. Loans and grants can be combined for up to $27,500 in assistance.
Please see the program fact sheet containing information about this program.
The following is the contact information for the Area Offices in Tennessee that can assist with the application and eligibility determination. They can provide additional information on the program and send out applications to anyone interested in receiving assistance.
East Tennessee Knoxville & Greenville
Marisol Torres, Area Director
Middle/East Tennessee Cookeville & Chattanooga
Stephen Sargent, Area Director
Middle Tennessee Lawrenceburg & Nashville
Faye McEwen, Area Director
West Tennessee Jackson & Union City
Joel Howard, Area Director