What's Wrong with This Photo - Pool Gate - 5/12/2021
Look at the photo on the right. This is a brand new gate that leads out to a pool located behind a hotel in St. Augustine, FL. What’s wrong with respect to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?
HINT: The person in the photo is reaching for a latch to release the gate. The gate is 5 feet tall. The gate pushes open from this side shown in the photo, and is pulled open from the opposite side. There is a spring loaded automatic closer for the gate. A closeup of the latch is shown in the photo below.
So to leave the pool area, the person has to reach over the 5 feet gate to pull and hold the release latch knob UP to release the gate, then push the gate open to leave the pool area. Similarly, to enter the pool area, an individual has to pull and hold the latch knob UP with one hand, then pull the gate open with another hand.
ANSWER: Several things are wrong. First, the latch is too high above the floor. Second, the pool gate itself compromises the clear space for the latch when leaving the pool area. Third, to open the gate requires two hands, one to pull the latch UP and hold it UP while the other hand is used to open the gate. And fourth, the maneuvering space on the pull side of the gate is not adequate.
The latch to release the gate is an operable part. 2010 ADA Standard 309.3, [Operable Parts] Height, states, “Operable parts shall be placed within one or more of the reach ranges specified in [Standard] 308.”
2010 ADA Standard 308.2.1, [Forward Reach] Unobstructed, states, “Where a forward reach is unobstructed, the high forward reach shall be 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum and the low forward reach shall be 15 inches (380 mm) minimum above the finish floor or ground.” The graphic below is representative of this Standard.
Unobstructed Forward Reach
So the highest this latch should be is 48 inches above the floor of the walkway.
The pool gate itself compromises the clear space for the latch when leaving the pool area. 2010 ADA Standard 309.2, [Operable Parts] Clear Floor Space, states, “A clear floor or ground space complying with [Standard] 305 shall be provided.”
2010 ADA Standard 305.3, [Clear Floor or Ground Space] Size, states, “The clear floor or ground space shall be 30 inches (760 mm) minimum by 48 inches (1220 mm) minimum.” The graphic below is representative of this Standard.
Clear Space Dimensions
Nothing should be located within the clear space for the latch, on either side of this gate, including the gate itself.
To open the gate requires two hands, one to grasp tightly and pull the latch UP and hold it UP while the other hand is used to open the gate.
2010 ADA Standard 309.4, [Operable Parts] Operation, states, “Operable parts shall be operable with one hand and shall not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist. The force required to activate operable parts shall be 5 pounds (22.2 N) maximum.”
This latch requires a forward approach from either side. From the pull-to-open side (opposite of what is shown in the photo above), there is inadequate gate maneuvering space parallel to the latch side.
Pull-Side Gate Maneuvering Space