Accessible Water Hydrants at US Forest Service Sites
Information reproduced from the USDA Accessibility Guidebook for Outdoor Recreation and Trails.
Non-Accessible Water Pump
Water hydrants at US Forest Service (USFS) sites must comply with Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Area Guidelines (FSORAG). Handpumps for water systems have been a concern for years. The photo on the right is representative. Because of the piston-like pump mechanism, handpumps require a long reach. As the depth of the well increases, so does the force necessary to draw water, so most handpumps require a force greater than 5 pounds (2.2 newtons) to operate.
Accessible Water Pump for Trails
An accessible handpump for shallow wells is now available for purchase. See the photo on the left. For shallower wells, this pump can draw the water while remaining in full compliance with the grasping, turning, and pressure restrictions of the accessibility guidelines. For wells with a static water depth of 40 feet (12 meters) or less, the accessible handpump can be used for many new or replacement installations. Accessible pumps for deeper wells are being developed and should be used when they become available. In the meantime, the accessibility requirements for handpump operating controls are under an exception explained below. Until handpumps that meet the accessibility standard for operating controls while adequately accessing the water supply are available from more than one source, handpumps are exempt from the requirements for reach ranges and operability in ABAAS, sections 308 and 309.4.
Solar Powered Water Pump House
Solar powered water systems are an excellent sustainable solution that can provide drinking water throughout the recreation season. Even national forests in Northern States are having good success with their solar systems. The water pump inside the pumphouse is powered by the solar panels on the roof. See the photo on the right. People can obtain drinking water without using a handpump at this site that has no conventional electric service. In addition, a faucet that fully complies with the accessible operating control requirements can be used. See the photo below.
Accessible Faucet Handle and Push Button for Water Dispenser
In the photo above, the water spigot is operated by first pushing the handle to one side, then pressing the push button. The water will stop when the button is no longer depressed.
Regardless of the type, all USFS water hydrant installations must comply with FSORAG. The opening where the water discharges is called a water spout. Water spouts should be located between 28 inches (710 millimeters) and 36 inches (915 millimeters) above the ground or floor surface on the edge of a clear space that is at least 72 inches (1,830 millimeters) by 48 inches (1,220 millimeters).
This clear space must be located with its long side adjoining (and may overlap) an outdoor recreation access route (ORAR), trail, beach access route, or another clear ground space. This permits a forward or parallel approach to the water spout and allows enough room for someone in a wheelchair to turn around and leave. Locate water spouts 11 inches (280 millimeters) minimum and 12 inches (305 millimeters) maximum from the rear center of the long side of the clear space.
The slope of the clear space required at water hydrants should not exceed 1:48 (2 percent) in any direction. When the surface is unpaved or not built with boards, grades up to 1:33 (3 percent) are allowed if needed for proper drainage. The surface of the clear space must be firm, stable, and made of a material that is appropriate to the level of development and setting.
Openings in the surface of the clear floor or ground spaces should not be big enough to allow passage of a sphere more than a half of an inch (13 millimeter) in diameter. Elongated openings more than a quarter of an inch wide should be placed with the long dimension perpendicular to the primary direction of travel.
US Forest Service Water Hydrant Installation Requirements
SUMMARY: Water hydrants at US Forest Service facilities must be installed in compliance with the FSORAG. Standard handpumps are exempt from the requirements for reach ranges and operability in ABA. An accessible handpump for shallow wells is now available for purchase.