The name of this company is ADA Inspections Nationwide, LLC
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Interesting articles about ADA, FHA, and ABA compliance inspections by ADA Inspections Nationwide, LLC.

Aging in Place Home Modifications for Victims of Spasticity

Caregiver with Spasticity Victim (National Stroke ASSC)

Caregiver with Spasticity Victim (National Stroke ASSC)

According to the National Stroke Association, spacity occurs when a stroke victim suffers damage to the brain that blocks messages between muscles and the brain causing arm and leg muscles to cramp or spasm. This will limit their coordination and muscle movement. This post-stroke condition makes daily activities such as bathing, eating and dressing more difficult.

Spasticity can cause long periods of strong contractions in major muscle groups, causing painful muscle spasms. These spasms can produce:

  • A tight fist

  • Bent elbow

  • Arm pressed against the chest

  • Stiff knee

  • Pointed foot

  • Stiffness in the arms, fingers or legs



Managing spasticity with assistive devices and home modifications can help improve safety and reduce the risk of spasticity-related falls. Physical and occupational therapists will recommend the appropriate aid(s) as well as safety procedures, maintenance and proper fit. A Certified Aging-in-Home Specialist (CAPS) can help with home modifications.

Some modifications in the home to improve safety for victims of spasticity include:

  1. Ramps

  2. Grab bars

  3. Raised toilet seats

  4. Shower or tub bench

  5. Plastic adhesive strips on the floor of the bathtub or shower

  6. Braces, canes, walkers and wheelchairs may help with movement as the victim gains strength.

Grab bars can be used anywhere in the home but are most commonly associated with the bathrooms. Installation guidelines for grab bars are very specific. The diagram below is for a grab bar installation on the wall adjacent to a toilet.

Grab Bar Installation on Side Wall Adjacent to Toilet

Grab Bar Installation on Side Wall Adjacent to Toilet

If you or someone you know suffers from spasticity, please call Richard at 615-752-0060 to discuss your needs for a home safety inspection and home modification. For more information about the services Richard provides please see Residential Accessibility.

If you observe a building that is not ADA compliant and you would like to know how to proceed, please see the link at What To Do When A Building Is Not ADA Compliant or Accessible.

ADA Inspections Nationwide, LLC, offers ADA/ABA/FHA accessibility compliance inspections for buildings and facilities, as applicable to the different laws, and expert witness services with respect to ADA/ABA/FHA laws for building owners, tenants and managers. Also, ADAIN offers consulting for home modifications as a CAPS consultant for people wishing to age in place in their homes. For a complete list of services please see ADAIN Services.

Thank you.